In the world of Gamindustri, four goddesses known as CPUs battled for supremacy in the War of the Guardians. One of the CPUs – Neptune – was defeated by the others and banished from the heavens. In her fall from grace, her memories were lost but a mysterious book reveals itself to Neptune with knowledge of all of Gaminudstri’s history. Joined by Compa, IF, and the sentient book known as Histoire, Neptune embarks on an extraordinary journey across four different nations on a quest to save the entire world!
©2014-2016 IDEA FACTORY / COMPILE HEART / FELISTELLA All rights reserved. Hyperdimension Neptunia™ is a trademark of Idea Factory. Licensed to and published by Idea Factory International, Inc.
OS: | Windows 7 (64bit) |
CPU: | Core2Duo 2.66 GHz |
RAM: | 4 GB RAM |
Graphics: | DirectX 10.x or OpenGL 3.3 with video card with 1GB ram and support for v4 shaders |
Audio: | DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card |
DirectX: | Version 10 |
HDD: | 7 GB available space |
Others: | May not work properly with Windows 7 and 8 (32bit) version. On-board graphics card are not recommend. Highly recommend to have an independent graphics card. |
ESRB Rating: T
Fantasy Violence, Mild Language, Suggestive Themes