Bulletstorm Origin Key


Bulletstorm is a first-person shooter in which you find yourself stranded on a planet that although once an adult-oriented paradise planet, is now hell incarnate, complete with savage mutants

Windows PC  Action
  Not available
June 15, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

E3 2016 - Bulletstorm Remaster uncovered in promotional material!

People love remastered games and it appears Bulletstorm may be the next game to get that treatment if the new screenshots found on a USB flash drive prove anything.

Microsoft have been handing out USB flash drivers at E3 to promote their games and among the files was a folder for Bulletstorm Remastered which featured several images of an upgraded Bulletstorm. The screenshots are real but the question remains was this intended or was it accidental?

We're going HD, get ready!

Locations that promise to look even more amazing.

No word from Microsoft about the Bulletstorm remaster as yet but it's almost certainty happening, we already knew the company behind Bulletstorm was creating a brand new AAA title for the future but it's possible this could be outsourced to another studio (or even working by the original team).

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-14-bulletstorm-remaster-screenshots-found-on-xbox-one-e3-press-usb

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