Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Battle.net (Direct)

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Black Ops Cold War is here! The direct sequel to the original and fan-favorite Call of Duty®: Black Ops.

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Comments on Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

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Waikuteru 1 0

From what I've seen from the comments: Does this mean I can buy here on the US site and play this with my Europe (German) account without any problems?

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Yes you can, would be the same as if you purchased from one of the EU stores (minus the price). The game works worldwide (minus China). From my understanding you can swap regions from your Bnet launcher (like with Modern Warfare) to pick between Americas, Europe or Asia at any time.

Either way it's still going to let you play with your friends :)

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Waikuteru 1 0

Yeah, indeed. I just tried it and even the latency (ms) is still as I would play on Europe. Tho, Warzone is a free to play game and the free download is probably constructed so battle.net account region doesn't matter. It could be different to actual game purchases. What I want to say: Is there an option, in case it indeed turns out it doesn't work on release then, to get refund / EU key? I'm trusting you on this... :D

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boby5how 1 0

Bonjour , j'ais acheter cette version sur votre site et je voudrais savoir si c'est normal que je puisse pas pré télécharger le jeux sur l'application battlenet ?

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CraigBGP Team 2 0

Yes it's normal the game is not out for another week. If a preload appears you'll be able to download in advance.

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boby5how 1 0

ok merci

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aztrox 1 0

can it be activated in australia

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Yes it can, works worldwide (minus China).

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skannet 1 0

can i use this key from India its my first time buying a game out a dedicated store like steam and blizzard so I want to make sure :)

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RafalMGP Team 1 0

Yes, it will activate in India and you'll be able to play it without problems. No worries :)

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Almedin 1 0

Hello, can I activate this game in Serbia? Im in Europe server on battlenet. Thanks.

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Yes you can.

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BlackRaven34 1 0

ayant acheter le jeu sur le site gamesplanet américain le jeu marchera si je suis situer en France ?

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Yes it will :)

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BlackRaven34 1 0

si jamais cela ne marche pas un remboursement est envisageable ?

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Desertlike Picture 1 0

why release date here is 11.12.2020 ?

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

American date format ;)

It's released worldwide at the same time, which is why it's November 12th here since it'll be evening time PDT. Worry not you'll be able to play at launch.


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