Dead Rising 4 Steam Key

Dead Rising 4

Dead Rising 4 marks the return of photojournalist Frank West in an all-new chapter of one of the most popular zombie game franchises of all time. All of the classic hallmarks of the ground breaking series return, including a huge array of weapons and vehicles players can combine to combat the hor...

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January 30, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

Dead Rising 4 - Free Street Fighter Costumes, New Difficulty Levels & More

Frank West gets some brand new Street Fighter outfits in the latest update for Dead Rising 4! Now he can wear outfits based on Cammy, M. Bison, Guile, Zangief and T. Hawk, additionally the game will also feature two difficulty modes which should increase the difficulty for players who found the game "too easy". Enemies will do more damage, Frank’s weapons break faster and food restores less health than before!

Lastly German fans will be happy to get their hands on the game as it becomes available to everyone on Germany from tomorrow on PC and Xbox One via the Windows Store (we're still waiting for a possible Steam release though).

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbRMj1zyMv4

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