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Destiny 2 (Free to Play) Key

Destiny 2 (Free to Play)

You will venture to mysterious, unexplored worlds of our solar system to discover an arsenal of weapons and devastating new combat abilities. To defeat the Red Legion and confront Ghaul, you must reunite humanity’s scattered heroes, stand together, and fight back to reclaim our home.

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February 10, 2022 – CraigBGP Team

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - Developers let you look behind the scenes in new video

Developer Bungie calls Destiny 2: The Witch Queen the "ultimate campaign". On February 22nd, the expansion for the Free 2 Play shooter will finally come into the world. Fresh footage has come from the developer studio for a recent ViDoc video, which gives us a look behind the scenes for 13 minutes after all. The clip shown here, "Destiny 2-ViDoc: Light in the Darkness", presents new images and the developers tell us first-hand details about the new weapon crafting features, the Void Focuses, chat about the Season of the Risen and, of course, the Witch Queen herself, Savathûn, comes into focus in the presentation on the new Destiny 2 add-on.

Want to buy Destiny 2: The Witch Queen? Strike before February 22nd on Gamesplanet to get the the exotic "Cosmographicum" Exotic Ghost Shell, the exotic gesture "The Enigma" and a new emblem as pre-order bonuses. Choose between the Standard, the Deluxe and the Deluxe Edition with the "30 Years of Bungie" package.


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