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Farming Simulator 22 Steam Key

Farming Simulator 22

Cultivated to be bigger and better - the ultimate and multimillion-selling farming simulation returns this November! Farming Simulator 22 offers more depth and the highest extent of player freedom in the history of the series.

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November 14, 2023 – RafalMGP Team

Launch trailer for the release of Farming Simulator 22 premium content - with new map

Expansion or the latest complete package? GIANTS is expanding Farming Simulator 22 today with new premium content. Here's what's inside.

Now is the perfect time for anyone wanting to get into virtual farming for the first time. Today, developer GIANTS Software is releasing the Farming Simulator 22 Premium Edition, which has been eagerly awaited by fans of the series. Of course, anyone who has been happily tilling fields with the current version of Farming Simulator for some time can give the FS22 Premium Edition and main game a pass, because a new (cheaper) upgrade package is also available for existing FS22 players, the Farming Simulator 22 Premium Expansion (not to be confused with the Platinum expansion released exactly one year ago). The expansion is part of the FS22 Premium Edition. The Year 2 Season Pass also contains the Premium Expansion.

Farming Simulator 22: Premium contents

Particularly noteworthy is the new map in Farming Simulator 22, the Central European-looking Zielonka. Inspired by countries bordering Germany such as Poland and the Czech Republic, you can expect a typical European picturesque landscape, characterised by a beautiful little village. The Zielonka trailer gives an impression of the new environment, which not only invites you to visit the pretty region, but also to work. Zielonka also brings new fruit/vegetable varieties for cultivation to Farming Simulator 22. A large, printable version of the Zielonka map is available from GIANTS download.

Parsnips, carrots, beetroot - more diverse vegetable cultivation and new production chains
Expand your farm with fields for new types of vegetables. Parsnips, carrots and beetroot grow particularly well in Zielonka. This increases the number of different crops in Farming Simulator 22 to 20. You will need new factories and production chains to process them. That's why the premium content includes new machines for farming, such as special combine harvesters that can take on the new types of fruit.

Have the harvested vegetables processed at the local potato factory. You can turn potatoes into delicious potato crisps and the soup factory is also looking forward to receiving deliveries of vegetables. Zielonka is also home to a traditional piano-making company. Supply the workshop with wood and enjoy growing income.

With 35 additional agricultural tools and machines, the premium expansion is also an asset to your fleet. As always, the new additions are realistic replicas of real equipment and vehicles. New manufacturers include Gorenc, Dewulf, Agrio and WIFO. GIANTS is also offering new premium content for manufacturers already integrated into the game, such as the Fiat and BEDNAR fleets. A complete overview of the new agricultural equipment and the new decorative elements and placeables can be found in the Blog from GIANTS.

Buy Farming Simulator 22 Premium - on Gamesplanet with 15% discount

If you buy your Steam keys for the Farming Simulator 22 Premium Edition or for the Premium Expansion on Gamesplanet, you save 15% - so you only pay £29.74/$33.99 for the Premium Edition. Before buying, you should differentiate between the Premium Edition and the Premium Expansion. The following content is included in the respective packages:

Farming Simulator 22 Premium Expansion

  • New crops: carrots, parsnips and beetroot
  • New map: Zielonka (Central Europe)
  • New factories & production chains
  • Over 35 new & specialised machines
  • 4 new brands, 15 brands in total

Farming Simulator 22 Premium Edition

Year 1 and Year 2 Season Pass content:

  • Antonio Carraro Pack
  • Kubota Pack
  • Vermeer Pack
  • Göweil Pack
  • Hay & Forage Pack
  • HORSCH AgroVation Pack
  • Oxbo Pack

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