Grand Theft Auto V Rockstar Key

Grand Theft Auto V

A young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath must pull off a series of dangerous heists to survive in a ruthless city in which they can trust nobody, least of all each other.

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June 29, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

GTA V's Bigfoot mystery has been solved at last!

After over a year of digging around and looking in every corner of Los Santos it appears one of GTA V's biggest mysteries has been uncovered at long last! (Sadly not the jetpack mystery we still hold out for).

Bigfoot, he's real!

Bigfoot is indeed real and now users have managed to unlock him for use in Director's Mode by finding Golden Peyote's (which spawn at specific times) and defeating the Teen Wolf lookalike.

This mystery has been a massive find for the community and it might not even be the biggest one to uncover as many still believe the game is hiding every bigger secrets.

I still remember the Loch Ness monster which apparently was in San Andreas.

Source: http://kotaku.com/the-incredible-saga-of-gta-vs-bigfoot-peyote-mystery-1782671057

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