In Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, the worlds of Peter Parker and Spider-Man collide in an original action-packed story. Play as an experienced Peter Parker, fighting big crime and iconic villains in Marvel’s New York.
Keys are on your account page after purchase, make sure you've also added an email and confirmed the account so you can claim it. Any issues email [email protected] :)
where do i receive this game?
replyKeys are on your account page after purchase, make sure you've also added an email and confirmed the account so you can claim it. Any issues email [email protected] :)
replySince I bought this before the release date, do I still get the pre-release bonuses?
replyYes, your key has the bonus included.
replyis this region free? I'm in asia can I gift this on US?
replyIf anything is locked it'll be mentioned on the store page. Any troubles email [email protected]
replyWhen do we get the key, there is no preload?.
replyThere is a preload on Steam, keys will be sent out very shortly.
replyWow, Thanks that's sounds great. I am so happy to finaly get the hands over this game.
replyDoes the game have any region lock? If I buy from South America, can I gift the game to someone from EU?
replyYou can do that yes will be fine.
replyThanks for fast answer!