Monster Sanctuary Steam Key

Monster Sanctuary

Monster taming meets metroidvania. Collect, train and battle monsters in a lovely side-view pixel world.

Windows PC  Arcade & Indie / RPG (Roleplay)
$19.99 -10% $17.99 To the Shop-Page
December 09, 2020 – CraigBGP Team

Monster Sanctuary leaves Early Access: Collect and train monsters in a 2D world

Pokémon meets Metroidvania in publisher Team 17's monster taming game Monster Sanctuary, which is now out of Early Access. Tame monsters and compete online with other players.

You may not want to turn the complex 3D world of Cyberpunk 2077 upside down these days until your PC hardware shines, but maybe you'd rather hunt, collect and train monsters in a pixelated world. Monster Sanctuary a simple 2D sidescroller that allows you to hunt creatures in a Metroidvania-style Pokémon game. After a successful period in Steam Early Access, Team 17's monster hunter is now feature complete. Dive into a captivating world and compete against others thanks to the competitive multiplayer mode. The game has already received some promising reviews with Metacritic outlets giving scores between 80 and 100.

What is Monster Sanctuary about? Players will embark on an epic adventure in a world filled with creatures that can be tamed, while exploring and unlocking new areas. The Metroidvania-inspired world grows in size as you defeat, tame and train monsters and give them stronger skills. Assemble a team of monsters and let your creatures help you as you uncover secrets, open new sections of the game and benefit from each monster's individual abilities.

This should be even more fun in Monster Sanctuary's multiplayer mode, which allows you to compete with other players online. Of course, you'll have to breed strong monsters first. Distribute strategic skills pick the right monsters and let combo attacks rain down on your opponents. Take a look at the release trailer above and purchase Monster Sanctuary for 15% off during launch week!

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