RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard Steam Key

RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard

Fear and isolation seep through the walls of an abandoned southern farmhouse. "7" marks a new beginning for survival horror with the “Isolated View” of the visceral new first-person perspective. Powered by the RE Engine, horror reaches incredible heights of immersion as players enter a terrifying...

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January 20, 2017 – CraigBGP Team

RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard - Trailers Recap

Horror makes its return next week in Resident Evil 7, behold our trailer recap showcasing off all trailers for the game before the release.

Only 4 days to go until Resident Evil goes back to its roots in the next entry in the series - which is by far one of the biggest departures from the recent entries in the franchise and goes back to a more traditional sense of horror (not unlike games like Amnesia Dark Descent or Slender - The Arrival). To help you prepare we have put together a list of all the trailers into a handy playlist below which will let you view all of them in one place.

Will RE7 be a masterpiece? Only time will tell, after playing the demo though it's clearly going in the right direction and I appreciate the return to classic horror instead of the button mashing QTE game recent games in the series adopted ;)

As a reminder, keys for RE7 are now available so you can get ready for the upcoming pre-load. Unsure what to purchase? Check out the comparison below for a better understanding of what you get.

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RESIDENT EVIL 7 biohazard will be available January 24th, pre-order the game today to receive the Survival Pack: Recovery Set for free!

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