Rising Storm 2: Vietnam is the sequel to PC Gamer’s 2013 ‘Multiplayer Game of the Year’, developed by the same team that created the award-winning innovative asymmetric gameplay - Antimatter Games - in association with Tripwire Interactive.
Finish a round on any map as the North Vietnamese forces.
Finish a round on any map as the US forces.
Kill an enemy player with a tripwire trap.
Step on an enemy's punji trap.
Get 10 kills with a single napalm strike.
Destroy a Helicopter as North Vietnamese with a stolen M79 Grenade Launcher.
Kill an enemy with the RPG's back-blast.
Kill an enemy whilst you are bleeding.
Kill an enemy with the pick mattock.
Kill an enemy from over 250m away with the XM21 Sniper Rifle.
Kill the North Vietnamese commander with napalm.
Kill an enemy with an unexploded M79 shell.
Use two bandages in one life without dying.
Refill an out-of-ammo primary weapon at a Resupply Point.
Kill an enemy with a helicopter's tail rotor blade.
Kill an enemy with a helicopter's main rotor blade.
Kill an enemy by landing a helicopter on them.
Get the first kill in a round.
Get the second kill in a round.
Reopen your team's spawn window in Skirmish mode by capturing an objective as the last man standing.
Finish a game as part of the top-scoring squad in the game.
As the VC/PAVN Commander, spawn 8 or more friendly soldiers on your position in a single use of the Ambush ability.
Kill 7 enemies with shotgun slugs in a single life.
Using the Mosin Nagant (non-sniper), get one kill for every shot fired from a single five round clip.
Complete the capture of an objective as the only player in it, in any mode.
Kill an enemy North Vietnamese soldier by shooting a booby trap to detonate it.
Kill a North Vietnamese soldier while they are standing in water.
Shoot down an enemy support aircraft with an RPG.
Get a kill with a tripwire trap that hasn't had its second stake planted yet.
Kill an enemy player with a crashing aircraft that you shot down.
Be killed by a crashing aircraft that has been shot down.
As a member of the US forces, kill 5 enemies in a single life while inside a North Vietnamese tunnel.
Kill an enemy with an MD82 mine that was detonated by another MD82's explosion.
Mark a target with purple smoke that is then bombarded and kills an enemy player.
Be killed by enemy artillery whilst in a helicopter.
Fire every round of an LMG's starting ammo in a single life.
Kill two enemies with a single round from a non-explosive weapon.
Kill an enemy with an RPG-7 through a wall or other piece of cover.
Safely land a helicopter (using autorotation) after the engine dies at greater than 50m altitude.
Survive a helicopter crash with two dead pilots or a destroyed main rotor.
Witness another player dying from napalm up close, while surviving yourself.
Kill 5 enemies using a bayonet.
Spend a total of two hours crouched.
Spend a total of two hours prone.
Mantle 500 times.
Get 50 kills with the AC47 gunship.
Insert 25 soldiers into combat from the Huey.
Spawn 10 times in the back of a helicopter.
Get 50 kills with the Cobra's chin turret.
Get 10 kills with the Mosin Nagant (non-sniper).
Use camouflage to hide from recon planes for a total of 5 minutes.
Get 25 kills as a helicopter door-gunner.
Kill 100 Enemy Infantry.
Kill 500 Enemy Infantry.
Kill 1000 Enemy Infantry.
Kill 50 Enemies with LMGs.
Kill 250 Enemies with LMGs.
Kill 500 Enemies with LMGs.
Kill 50 Enemies with Sniper Rifles.
Kill 100 Enemies with Sniper Rifles.
Kill 250 Enemies with Sniper Rifles.
Get 10 Melee Kills.
Get 50 Melee Kills.
Get 100 Melee Kills.
Get 25 Kill Assists.
Destroy 5 Enemy Helicopters.
Destroy 50 Enemy Helicopters.
Destroy 100 Enemy Helicopters.
Win a total of 10 rounds, regardless of map or gamemode.
Win a total of 50 rounds, regardless of map or gamemode.
Win a total of 100 rounds, regardless of map or gamemode.
Win 10 Rounds of Territories.
Win 50 Rounds of Territories.
Win 100 Rounds of Territories.
Win 10 Rounds of Skirmish.
Win 50 Rounds of Skirmish.
Win 100 Rounds of Skirmish.
Win 10 Rounds of Supremacy.
Win 50 Rounds of Supremacy.
Win 100 Rounds of Supremacy.
Sprint for a total of 10km.
Sprint while crouched for a total of 10km.
Get 5 kills with punji traps.
Collapse 25 enemy spawn tunnels.
Spend a total of 2 minutes climbing ladders.
Finish a round on any map as the Australian forces.
Bayonet a player who is mid-bayonet charge on an Australian forces map (as either team).
Kill a player who has a bayonet equipped, using melee WITHOUT a bayonet equipped, on an Australian forces map (as either team).
Kill an Australian soldier.
Complete a round as an Australian soldier with red hair.
As an Australian soldier, kill a North Vietnamese soldier who is in the process of digging a spawn tunnel.
Kill 100 enemy soldiers as the pilot of the Bushranger.
Kill 50 enemy soldiers as the gunner of the Bushranger.
Spot 4 enemies in a single life as an Australian soldier.
Who runs Bartertown?! As an Australian soldier, kill an enemy with a stolen RPG.
Safely land and exit a bushranger with a dead pilot or co-pilot (as either pilot or copilot).
Throw a grenade, get blown up by it. (As an Australian soldier)
Reload the M1 Garand 250 times.
Complete a round playing as the Army of the Republic of Vietnam.
Get 100 kills with the M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle.
Near-miss (suppress) 8 enemies without hitting anyone, with a single shot from the M1D Garand sniper rifle.
Win three rounds on VNSU-Quang Tri.
Be the fourth ARVN soldier killed in a round.
Lose a round on A Sau.
Win a round on A Sau.
Get ten kills with the M1A1 Thompson without taking damage.
Shoot down the Skyraider with an RPG.
Win a campaign as the South Vietnamese forces.
Win campaign as the North Vietnamese forces.
Win a round as the North Vietnamese forces with the Ho Chi Minh Trail ability active.
Win a round as the South Vietnamese forces with the Search & Destroy ability active.
Win a Campaign as the South Vietnamese forces before the end of 1975.
Win a Campaign as the North Vietnamese forces before the end of 1975.
Win a match on the 'Green Army Men Christmas' event map.
Lose a match on the 'Green Army Men Christmas' event map.
You'll get square eyes if you sit that close!
We'd also have settled for 'block party'.
Pilot a helicopter for the first time on the 'Green Army Men Christmas' event map.
What's a holiday without lazing around on the couch?
Time flies when you're having fun!
Twas the flight before Christmas...
Burn two enemies with the Flamethrower without releasing the trigger on the 'Green Army Men Christmas' event map.
Successfuly defend the 'Christmas Tree' objective on the 'Green Army Men Christmas' event map.
Kill five players in one lifetime on the 'Green Army Men Christmas' event map.
Now how did that get up here?