Choose between Yuito and Kasane, elite psionics each armed with a talent in psychokinesis and their own reason to fight. Complete both of their stories to unlock all the mysteries of a Brain Punk future caught between technology and psychic abilities.
Saw Yuito Bond Episode 5
Saw Kasane Bond Episode 5
Viewed 'Hanabi Bond Episode 5' in Yuito's story and 'Hanabi Bond Episode 4' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Gemma Bond Episode 5' in Yuito's story and 'Gemma Bond Episode 4' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Tsugumi Bond Episode 5' in Yuito's story and 'Tsugumi Bond Episode 4' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Kagero Bond Episode 4' in Yuito's story and 'Kagero Bond Episode 5' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Luka Bond Episode 5' in Yuito's story and 'Luka Bond Episode 4' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Shiden Bond Episode 4' in Yuito's story and 'Shiden Bond Episode 5' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Kyoka Bond Episode 4' in Yuito's story and 'Kyoka Bond Episode 5' In Kasane's story.
Viewed 'Arashi Bond Episode 4' in Yuito's story and 'Arashi Bond Episode 5' In Kasane's story.
Reached Bond Level 6 with an ally.
Reached Bond Level 6 with all allies.
Gave a gift to an ally for the first time. *Does not include add-ons.
Gave all gifts to all allies. *Does not include add-ons.
Collected over 200 thousand kins.
Used the SAS over 100 times.
Finished off 50 enemies with the Brain Field.
Used the Brain Crush on Others 20 times.
Successfully performed 20 perfect dodges.
Defeated 1,000 enemies.
Performed 50 successful Special Object Follow-Up Attacks.
Initiated Assault Visions 20 times.
Activated 4 different Combo Visions in 1 combo.
Learned all the skills in one of the Brain Map categories.
Learned all the skills on the Brain Map.
Raised the EXP bonus to the maximum.
Used Item Exchange for the first time. *Does not include add-ons.
Exchanged 100 types of items at shops. *Does not include add-ons.
Completed a quest for the first time.
Completed 30 quests.
Completed the Enemy Compendium. *Does not include add-ons.
Activated all Combo Visions.
Revived by an ally for the first time.
Initiated a guardian vision for the first time.
Saved inside the brain field for the first time.
Threw 100 objects with psychokinesis.
Defeated 3 enemies at the same time with Brain Crush.
Revived allies 5 times.
First time you changed your Visual Equipment. *Does not include add-ons.
Collected 100 attachments. *Does not include add-ons.