Star Wars Battlefront Origin (Direct)

Star Wars Battlefront

Feel the ominous thud of an AT-AT stomping down on the frozen tundra of Hoth. Zip through the lush forests of Endor on an Imperial speeder bike while dodging incoming blaster fire.

Windows PC  Action
  Not available
September 09, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

Obsidian Graphic Designers Build Star Wars scenes in Unreal Engine 4

It seems like The Force is still strong with Obsidian Entertainment who have been using their free time to create amazing Star Wars set pieces in the technically stunning Unreal Engine 4. While they are busy working on their latest upcoming game Tyranny they took some time to focus on the engine and since they are massive Star Wars fans it felt fitting to start with bringing familiar settings to understand just what they could achieve.

This isn't the first time they've created anything Star Wars as they've previously made Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2 - which received high praise and despite a couple issues (most of which were fixed modding teams). Although this is unlikely to be turned into a full game there is potential here and going forward it would be great to imagine SW games looking this gorgeous in the future. We've seen gameplay hints from upcoming games in the Star Wars universe, so it's quite possible.

You can read the full Interview with Obsidian Entertainment's Jason Lewis over at 80.LV. If you'd like to checkout the gallery in more detail you can do that below!

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