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June 07, 2016 – CraigBGP Team

E3 2016 - Watch Dogs 2 release date and setting leaked!

Just a day after the Watch Dogs 2 teaser trailer was released it turns out some sites may have accidentally leaked details on the upcoming game, Eurogamer has managed to grab a picture that IGN had available for a short time which points to more details.

Credit goes to Eurogamer

We've known for a while that the game would feature a brand new character and now we're given our first look at him, the setting has also moved to San Francisco (guess my Tokyo prediction was out) and will be available on November 15th.

Expect more details to drop during the world premiere reveal tomorrow at 5pm BST / 6pm CET!

Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-06-07-watch-dogs-2-launches-november-set-in-san-francisco

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