A survival horror adventure about overcoming nature’s most formidable forms of life. Explore over...
The Escapists provides players the opportunity of experiencing a light-hearted insight into every...
The Falconeer is an open-world air combat game, featuring frenetic aerial dogfights and deep expl...
The Guild 2 is a unique mixture of RPG and life simulation in an immersive middle ages scenario. ...
An open, freeform Adventure RPG that lets you play your way. Reforge bonds between kingdoms, expl...
Along the Edge is a visual novel set in the European countryside, where your choices impact the m...
Into the Stars is an open-world Space Survival Simulation built in Unreal Engine 4, featuring an ...
The Lone Blade is a 3D platformer where you are a soul trapped in a sword. The game takes place i...
A dark, gothic fusion of metroidvania and soulslike. The Last Faith thrives on merciless and prec...
Build your deck and try to survive in The Dead Await, a deck-building RPG set during a zombie apo...
In an abandoned medical university, test your intellectual might as you unravel a 20-year-old mys...
A quirky top-down shooter about a grumpy, humanoid snail armed to the radula! Experience a dark f...
Your role is to uncover evidence as a journalist by sneaking through restricted areas and questio...
To The Rescue! is a charming dog shelter simulator. Take care of unique dogs and find the right h...
Once upon a time, there was a fly. A hungry fly. A fly with razor-sharp teeth, with a taste for d...
Action & Indie Black Friday D...