Drop into the gripping journey of Aliens: Dark Descent, a squad-based, single-player action game in the iconic Alien franchise. Lead your soldiers in real-time to stop a new and terrifying kind of Xenomorph outbreak on Moon Lethe.
Action / StrategyFinish the game on Medium.
Finish the game on Hard.
Finish the game on Nightmare.
Finish the game on "No One Can Hear Them Scream" mode.
During a campaign, kill 100 Xenomorphs.
Advance a Sergeant to level 10.
Advance a Gunner to level 10.
Advance a Medic to level 10.
Advance a Tecker to level 10.
Advance a Recon to level 10.
During a campaign, advance each Marine Class to level 10.
Keep all of your marines alive during a campaign.
Gather all datapads.
Kill an enemy by using an explosive barrel.
Secure an unconscious marine.
Destroy 4 eggs with one grenade or an RPG shot.
Have one Sentry kill at least 10 aliens.
Save a marine from dying of Bleeding.
Kill every Alien of a Massive Onslaught.
Prevent a marine from being Abducted.
In any mission, complete at least one objective with only one marine in the squad.
Remove a Trait from a marine.
Kill an enemy before they detect the squad.
During a campaign, unlock every Xeno Tech.
During a campaign, unlock every weapon.
During a campaign, secure 5 survivors.