1986, Tornado Alley, USA… Go undercover as Boulder, an agent infiltrating the notorious religious cult known as the Bahnsen Knights. Face off against occultists, biblical storms, and an enigmatic car salesman turned preacher as you investigate the disappearance of a fellow agent and close friend.
Make a Glen's Eye.
Assign first evidence correctly.
Discover five pieces of new evidence.
Assign all evidence correctly.
Avoid an accident.
Lead a successful road exorcism.
Abandon a road exorcism.
Die after making Kevin snap.
Win a via crucis solitaire.
Get hammered.
Hijack a truck.
Do not follow Vincent's plan.
Meet Lou Hill.
Open all trunks.
Skim a book.
Find a secret evidence stash.
Avoid being discovered with a bug.
Kick some butts!
Big finale!
Die in the depth of a lake.
Die in the back of a car.
Die in the emergency exit.
Extraction by the Agency.
Die trying to be a hero.