Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Battle.net (Direct)

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

Black Ops Cold War is here! The direct sequel to the original and fan-favorite Call of Duty®: Black Ops.

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MartinezCooper 1 0

en caso de no funcionar me devuelven el dinero?

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RafalMGP Team 2 0

We use direct activation if you are worried that for some reason the game might not activate, worry not because technically it's the same process as buying via bnet directly - hence the name "direct activation" ;)

We don't offer refunds past activation but you are free to contact our support in case of issues and we will look into it if any arise and will not leave you without help.

If you are unsure whether the game will run on your hardware I advise you to reach out to our support first at [email protected] and our team will be able to advise on that.

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MartinezCooper 1 0

juego comprado y sin problemas, muy buena comunicación , lo aconsejo !


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