World First - Twitch Streamer beats game with being hit or dying!
Dark Souls III may not be an easy game but one gamer has managed to beat the entire game without taking a single hit! Twitch Streamer FaraazKhan has risen to the hall of legends as he streamed his entire run last week, certain restrictions were put in place though to make it a little more tougher including which meant he wasn't allowed to use shields, bows, magic, glitches, or savequits to make things easier.
The entire run lasted him around 2 hours and 19 minutes (will contain spoilers) but most of the optional content was skipped in order to get to the end faster. There seems to be no end to the craziness that Dark Souls players will do, only recently we had players using Dance Pads to beat parts of the game.
Can you beat the game without getting hit? Take up the challenge today!