A quirky mix of roguelite and city builder. Build a lively little city above, by looting mystical caves with a team of gnomes below! Use multiple runs to unlock upgrades and abilities to help your gnomes venture deeper into the dangerous underground.
StrategyStart your first expedition.
Fully defeat 'The Legendary Roostlord'.
Fully defeat the 'Ancient Cactus Eater'.
Fully defeat 'Toadoculus, Keeper of the Secrets'.
Complete the game.
Have a full roster of six gnomes.
Go on 50 expeditions.
Use every ration once.
Collect the ghosts of 25 gnomes using the Soul Eater gnome.
Be responsible for destroying 100 tiles.
Take a 'Bug Rancher' with full pots to the next cave.
Stock 1000 material on a single expedition
Reach cave 20 with all upgrades stacked onto a single gnome (minimum of five upgrades).
Reach cave 20 with at least two upgrades on every gnome.
Steal from Helena.
Using the 'Delivery Service' upgrade on the 'Cook' gnome order food 100 times.
Have 20 carrier gnomes in the city.
Build a purely comestic building
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