Embark upon a tragic tale and discover the ravaged world of Elypse! Fight your destiny in an arduous 2D adventure, story rich platformer, in a mesmerising and mysterious world.
Kill a ennemy using another enemy projectile.
Die in a lava lake.
Buy the hut to the Beggar.
Summon the Beggar in your hut.
Talk to the forgotten soul.
Get the chasm of the damn boss head though a door in the room.
Kill 5 ennemies within one celestial dive.
Kill the first Golem you will meet.
Stun an airborn Golem.
Die more than a 100 times.
Destroy the soul crystal in the Beggar's house.
Place 10 huts during the adventure.
Read every optionnal dialogue.
Unlock every celestal pulse and thorn.
Destroy every soul crystals in the game.
By all the objects and improvements.
Destroy the final hand during the opening of phase 2.
Finish Elypse.
Finish Elypse in less than 2 hours.
Acquire every success.
Use your celestial dive on a kill-zone.