Field of Glory II is a turn-based tactical game set during the Rise of Rome from 280 BC to 25 BC.
You won your first battle!
Won a battle on Emperor difficulty
Won a battle on Deity difficulty
Won a battle with Romans on at least Legate difficulty
Won a battle against Romans on at least Legate difficulty
Won a battle with a cavalry army on at least Legate difficulty
Won a battle with a pike army on at least Legate difficulty
Won a battle with a Slave Revolt army against Romans
Won a campaign
Won a 15 battle campaign
Created a Multiplayer challenge
Fought a losing Multiplayer battle to completion without conceding
Won a Multiplayer battle
Made an enemy unit autodrop cohesion from a flank charge
Rallied a routing unit with a general
Killed an enemy C-in-C
Routed enemy elephants by shooting
Made a unit drop cohesion from artillery fire
Suffered a double cohesion drop which could only occur on a roll of snake eyes
Passed a cohesion test when only double six would have passed