Getsu Fuma Descends It has been 1000 years since the first leader of the Getsu clan defeated the demon lord Ryukotsuki, driving demons back into Hell and restoring order to the world. But when Ryukotsuki abruptly returns and all hell breaks loose, it falls unto a new hero to rise against the threat.
Completed Commoner difficulty.
Completed Hero difficulty.
Completed Veteran difficulty.
Completed Devotee difficulty.
Used Souls to raise Main Weapon Rank to 48 or higher.
Used Souls to raise Subweapon Rank to 24 or higher.
Used Souls to perform Vitality Up 16 or more times.
Completed up to the last stage without ever using Souls.
Completed the game within 30 minutes.
Defeated Daidarabotchi for the first time.
Unlocked 5 or more Katana in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Battle Umbrellas in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Dual Wield Weapons in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Whips in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Bludgeons in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Polearms in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Spears in Refinement.
Unlocked 5 or more Gauntlets in Refinement.
Unlocked Kashiwamaru, the Bloodthirsty Blade.
Unlocked Kagamigusa, the Bloodthirsty Umbrella.
Unlocked Hawkwing, the Bloodthirsty Blades.
Unlocked Onitsuta, the Bloodthirsty Chain.
Unlocked Foxglove, the Bloodthirsty Club.
Unlocked Omodakamaru, the Bloodthirsty Great Katana.
Unlocked Uriwa, the Bloodthirsty Spear.
Unlocked Myoga-no-Ken, the Bloodthirsty Gauntlets.
Activated Flash 500 or more times in total.
Accessed the Bookshelf from the Hall of Treasures.
Successfully used Slay on a regular stage.
Activated Slay 100 or more times in total.
Died 50 or more times in total.
Activated Demonization 50 or more times in total.
Activated the final level of Demonization 10 or more times in one game.
Traversed the Blighted Foothills for the first time.
Reached the Land of Limbo for the first time.
Reached the Hellfire Cliff for the first time.
Reached The Great Wave of Damnation for the first time.
Reached the Misty Peaks for the first time.
Reached the Subspace Citadel for the first time.
Reached the Avenue of Pleasure and Illusion for the first time.
Reached the Frozen Graveyard for the first time.