Savage, nightmarish monsters roam the Louisiana swamps, and you are part of a group of rugged bounty hunters bound to rid the world of their ghastly presence. Banish these creatures from our world, and you will be paid generously—and given the chance to buy more gruesome and powerful weapons. Fai...
Complete Trainee Mode.
Unlock Bloodline Tier 2.
Unlock Bloodline Tier 3.
Unlock Bloodline rank 100.
Get a Hunter to level 50.
Have 5 level 50 Hunters at the same time.
Have 15 traits on a Hunter at the same time.
Complete your first Bounty Hunt contract.
Investigate 250 clues.
Complete 100 Bounty Hunt contracts.
Close 250 rifts in Soul Survivor.
Absorb at least 250 energy from the Wellspring in Soul Survivor.
Be the first to activate the Wellspring in Soul Survivor.
Survive Soul Survivor.
Be the last Hunter standing in Soul Survivor.
Kill 150 monsters with headshots.
Kill your first enemy Hunter.
Kill 100 enemy Hunters with headshots.
Kill an enemy Hunter with a sledgehammer throw.
Visit every location on any map in one mission.
Visit every supply point on any map in one mission.
Complete a Challenge.
Complete seven Challenges.
Unlock 25 entries in the Book of Monsters
Unlock any 50 pieces of gear.
Kill 150 Grunts with the dusters.
Kill 50 Boss Targets solo.