Inner Ashes is a first person, narrative, puzzle adventure, where the player puts himself in Henry's shoes, a forest guard diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s. He has to travel through his mind to discover why his only daughter Enid disappeared from his life.
You have travelled to your mind the first time
You have used the sofa to go home for the first time
You have collected an item from the world
You have completed level 1
You have completed level 2
You have completed level 3
You have completed level 4
You have completed level 5
You have completed level 6
You have completed level 7
You have completed level 8
You have completed the game
You have found 5 drawings
You have found 10 drawings
You have found 5 letters
You have found 10 letters
You have completed the first tangram
You have found all of Enid's drawings
You have found all the letters
You have found all the information related to Alzeimer's disease
You have prepared a cup of coffee
You have carved wood figurines at all levels
You have tried to dust the photo frame
Did you hang the scarf?