Jagged Alliance is back – With a new take on turn-based tactics, adventure elements and the well-known quirky mercenaries!
You have truly lived the life of a mercenary
Finished level 'Dungeon'
Met Veronique
Met Alvita
Enter area 2
Enter area 3
Enter the castle
Finished JA Rage
Found all weapon types in the game
Killed first enemy
Found your clothes
Used rage skill for the first time
Finished the game with all mercs
Played a map in co-op
Used all rage skills in the game
No civilian was killed in a playthrough
Under the influence of Bliss for the first time
Intercepted a convoy
Killed 100 guards
Killed 50 black mercs
Has modified a weapon
Has crafted an item
Use a rebel squad to stop an enemy troop
Finished the game in hard difficulty mode
10 enemies killed a guy from their own team
Finish the game only with 2 mercs
You've seen all maps in the game