January 03, 2019 – CraigBGP Team

Steam no longer supports Windows XP or Vista

Valve drops Steam support for Windows XP and Windows Vista as of January 1st 2019. The client will stop working on systems using either OS.

Those users who are still on older versions of Windows XP or Vista may wish to look into upgrading to a recent version of Windows, as Valve has announced that the Steam Client will no longer work with old versions of Windows. The recent announcement explains the changes taking place and why it's no longer viable to support older versions of the OS. Most gamers have already upgraded to Windows 10 and enjoying the improved security and features that come with it, but for some it means they'll have to upgrade in order to play their games. Nevertheless we've updated our store pages to reflect the changes and you'll see warnings on the system requirements for games, such as on Dishonored 2's store page:

According to a Steam Survey only 0.11% of players were using Windows XP anyway, with Windows Vista it's even less. More than 99% of Steam users are running Windows 7, 8 or 10 so the impact should be minimal.

Valve explains the end of XP and Vista support

In Summer 2018 Valve announced that they would be dropping support for Windows XP and Vista at the start of this year, as the older systems could not keep up with recent Steam features. Old versions of Windows are unable to work with versions of Google Chrome, which Valve uses for Steam's interface. Google's Browser itself has not supported the Operating Systems since 2016. The latest Steam client also relies on security updates seen in recent versions of Windows.

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