Take control of the National Nightly News as a radical government comes to power. In this immersive, high-pressure, propaganda sim, you control what the people see and determine what’s Not For Broadcast.
Get an A+ for any Broadcast.
Get an A+ for three different Broadcasts.
Complete your first Broadcast.
Align with the Advance Agenda.
Rally against Advance's Establishment.
Stay neutral.
Max out the boost in any Rhythm Editing section.
Replay any Sequence.
Watch one of your own Broadcasts.
Watch a Broadcast back in the Rushes Room.
Play each of the 5 different challenge types.
Complete 5 custom challenges.
Complete the Lockdown Broadcast.
View all three versions of Boseman's Lockdown Educational Video.
Complete any sequence with all 5 challenge types enabled at once.
Complete 5 different sequences with all 5 challenge types enabled at once.
Unlock every reward in the Challenge Room.
Be the only living member of the Winston family.
Bring the whole Winston family to the New Future and beyond.
Meet Neil at the Red Carpet.
Meet the Mayor of Bumley at the Red Carpet.
Meet Helena Canterbury-Boatshoe at the Red Carpet.
Have to contribute to the Assets and Wealth Tax.
See a familiar trinket on the news.
Play through one of the finales with at least 3 challenges enabled.
Complete The Telethon.
Play through the final round of Sportsboard with no audio.
Complete the Live & Spooky Bannon Special.
Discover the cause of the falling stunt man.
Solve the mystery of the unfortunate fire.
Determine the fate of Brent Backflip.
Establish Cecil Sloane's perilous past.
Complete the Live & Spooky Bannon Special.
Discover the cause of the falling stunt man.
Solve the mystery of the unfortunate fire.
Determine the fate of Brent Backflip.
Establish Cecil Sloane's perilous past.
Complete the intended path of Peter Clement's episode of Bits Of Your Life.
Drive Peter Clement's episode of Bits Of Your Life off the rails.
Complete all the specific endings of Peter Clement's episode of Bits Of Your Life.
Watch all the Adverts in Bits Of Your Life.
Ensure Peter Clement has one too many drinks or is angered one too many times.
Watch Jimmy Chizzle do what he does best.
Headbang along to the infamous Potato rap.
Invite all the available guests onto the Night of Smiles.
Get Boseman to fill his notebook.
...Timey Wimey stuff. Get stuck in time.
Escape the Timeloop.