The official adaptation of the legendary wargame from Steve Jackson Games. Engage in futuristic warfare with armored hovercraft, superheavy tanks, infantry, and giant cybernetic war machines called "Ogres".
Arcade & Indie / StrategyWin all of the original Ogre scenarios at least once.
Win all of the G.E.V map scenarios at least once.
Complete the Nightfall campaign.
Win 5 scenarios as the North American Combine.
Win 5 scenarios as the Pan-European Federation.
Have 10+ units (armour or infantry) fire on the same turn.
Destroy an enemy Ogre in Overrun.
Destroy 3 units with spillover fire.
Deploy reinforcements when down to one remaining unit.
Destroy or disable an Ogre using only Infantry or MBS units.
Total War: WARHAMMER III - Omens of Destruction