Join Clef on an adventure set on a magical sky island where her family once lived. Solve puzzles, discover secrets, and experience a story of sisterly love – and something more, if you are willing to dig deeper…
Adventure / Arcade & IndieRead the welcome sign
Solve the flower pots puzzle
Receive the Conducting Wand
Activate the Bell of the Bamboo Forest
Get acquainted with Hans
Activate the Bell of the the Time Tower
Activate the Bell of the the Underground Library
Activate the Bell of the Crystal Mines
Help Mina get her inspiration back
Complete the diary
Get acquainted with Percival
Collect all the tokens
Get acquainted with Tove
Get acquainted with Mina
Get acquainted with Reuel
Activate the Bell of the the Crystal Orangerie
Activate the Bell of the the Rose Maze
Activate the Bell of the Sky Castle
Collect all the Jingle Bells
Restore the red bellflowers population
Write a song
Watch the finale of the Puppet Theater performance
Get lost in the caves
Ride a Funicular
Learn the first Seasonal Melody
Learn the second Seasonal Melody
Learn the third Seasonal Melody
Learn the fourth Seasonal Melody
Beat Cres' high score in Percival's game
Find Tobal's bed
Activate the Bell of the Time Observatory
Activate the Bell of the Musical Salon
Gather the mechanical birds orchestra
Find all the Rabbit Holes
Celebrate the Birthday with your friends