Remnant Records is a horror investigation game for 1 to 4 players. Explore places haunted by the dead and find out what happened to them when they were still alive in thousands of unique generated mysteries.
Unlock all the maps.
Read 100 texts.
Buy all perks for a role.
Buy all tips from the exorcist diary.
Play each role at least once.
Unlock all the special conditions.
Meet the Orphan.
Meet the Mannequin.
Meet the Runner.
Meet the Shusher.
Meet the Anomaly.
Meet the Reflection.
Successfully complete a mission at the 5/5 difficulty level.
Successfully complete 5 missions at the 5/5 difficulty level in singleplayer.
When playing with a squad, have all players die.
When playing with a squad, successfully complete a mission as the last investigator alive.
As the bodyguard, destroy all the doors in a mission.
Trap an entity with the cartomancer's card when it's very close to a player.
As the bodyguard, free 5 friends from an entity's grasp.
Find a secret passageway.
Wake the Runner up using the bodyguard's decoy.
Successfully complete a mission without ever angering the Orphan.
Throw an object on the exorcism table from at least 6 meters away.
When playing darts, hit the bullseye with a dart from at least 5 meters away.
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