Super Robot Wars is a tactical RPG that brings characters and robots from a variety of mecha anime together to battle their mutual foes.
Hi, want to ask a question. Is it possible for Gamesplanet to provide the key for "SRW 30 Expansion Pack" as well?
Hey, thanks for reaching out. We'll speak to Bandai and see if they'll allow it :)
Looks like it slipped the net!
Hi again. If I may ask, is there further follow-up for this inquiry?
We did ask the publisher, they said yes, but did not give a timeline on when it would happen. I doubt it'll happen this side of 2025 sadly.
I see, thanks again.
Thanks for the consideration.
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Hi, want to ask a question. Is it possible for Gamesplanet to provide the key for "SRW 30 Expansion Pack" as well?
Hey, thanks for reaching out. We'll speak to Bandai and see if they'll allow it :)
Looks like it slipped the net!
replyHi again. If I may ask, is there further follow-up for this inquiry?
replyWe did ask the publisher, they said yes, but did not give a timeline on when it would happen. I doubt it'll happen this side of 2025 sadly.
replyI see, thanks again.
replyThanks for the consideration.