Celebrate the 10th anniversary of Tales of Vesperia and the return of this fan-favorite with the Definitive Edition!
Get a 150-hit combo. Must. Keep. Hitting!
Play 100 hours. That's more than 4 whole days! Your journey can continue for as long as you want...
Travel 50,000 km. That's 1185 marathons!
Defeat a thousand enemies. Not even the Hunting Blades have been able to pull that off!
Acquire 100,000 chips. Just be careful not to lose sight of your real goal...
Acquire 10 million Gald, a feat no ordinary person could ever achieve. Use your earnings for good!
View every skit, and enjoy getting to know the characters better!
Reach level 200. Push yourself to the max, and once you hit it, use herbs to grow even stronger!
Use every save point in the game. Talk about exploration!
Finish the snowboarding mini-game in 40 seconds or less. You'll be a pro!
Acquire every title for every character. Some titles are awe-inspiring. Others... not so much.
Travel to the farthest reaches of the world and explore the entire map. Never know what you'll find!
Fill out the Monster Book completely, and turn yourself into a walking monsterpedia!
Fill out the Collector's Book completely, and prepare yourself for everyone asking to borrow it.