The Protagonist: EX-1 is a gripping new turn-based, tactical RPG. You’re a highly trained soldier on a mission to infiltrate an alien space station that goes horribly wrong—find your team and discover the hidden truth.
After the first fight barehands. Angel must trust in her instincts and her training and believe Pilot that she can fight barehands.
After finding Radical. Radical joins the Team. The player can now play with two characters.
After rescuing Radical, the Team came accross an injured Droughtgad that break free from his cell. After killing the "Space Buggos", the team have killed their first Abyssal of the game.
After fighting the first Xenos, the team find a cell with a dog in it. Free Buddy, and he will joins the team.
At the end of the Stage 1A, the team escape through an airlock door. Finishing the stage 1a.
Radical being an asshole, doesn't respect the chain of command by insulting Angel. Angel kicks his ass, knocking him out cold on the floor. Now Radical will respect her...
In the Medical Facility, the team came accross the first hackable KL-T Terminal. After hacking and retriveing data in it...
Confront to a door that is impossible to hack, even for Pilot, the team must craft a special gear that will help Pilot to do his job as guide and hacker. After crafting the first Mag-Bypass...
When encounter MOD1-T10, the player can navigate the dialogues and decides not to attack the KL-T, leave it be, and leave the Factory.
When encounter MOD1-T10, the player can navigate the dialogues and decides to attack the KL-T, destroying it, and then to leave the Factory.
After rescuing Takka, this one will joins the team.
While tracking down Bypass, the team can discover a terran soldier who's being tested by the KL-Ts.
While tracking down Bypass, the team can find a laboratory where e-dogs, just like Buddy, are being constructed. Fight them, destroy them. Revealing the true nature of BUDDY, as an cyborg dog.
The team can rescue Bypass. When she joins the team.
The team learn about K-T3, a unexpected ally. Finish the dialogue.
The team must fight Takedown, which is confused and sees them as enemies. The goal is to incapacitate him, not to kill him, and to fix his implants. If the player fail to incapacitate him within a specific amount of time, he is game over, but if he succeed, then he receive this achievement.
The team came accross more generic soldier of their original team, or some that were capture during the space fight before the EX-1 mission. You can recruit them to your team.
At this point, the player can hack a speciaifc terminal, and retrieve data from a audio journal or Ava and Breach, soldiers from Terra.
After a long mission, hoping to fix Takedown's implants, the team can finally recruit Takedown. Takedown joins the team.
The team discover the existance of a second team coming to Ana-Mon, EX-2.
If the player finish the game, killed the big boss, and reach the hangar with the ship.
Before loosing Takka, the player can trigger a hidden fight using Takedown, before he can even recruit him officially, helping in the mission when you loose Takka. This achievement will follow on the Chapter-2
If the player hacked all the terminal, and was able to find all the hidden data of the game
If the player find all the different Schematics / Technologies available in the game.
If the player gain all the Loyalty Points available in the game.
If the player gain more than "???????" scraps in total during his play through.
The first time a character reach the maximum level of a specific skill.
If the player make a total of "???" MACS Combos (all characters combined)
While fighting, if any attacks make "??" damages or more.
If the player have unlock, gain, retrieve, seen... 100% of the game. This can be done over multiple playthrough, by changing choices in dialogues, path, etc. to fully get everything the game has to offer.