Lead your people to victory, expand your tribe and harness the power of beasts and lost artefacts. Shape your people to overcome their rivals and become the uncontested rulers of all.
Reach 200 Population
Kill a total of 500 wild dinosaurs
Win a game as the Sage by building nothing but Wisps and Raptors
Win 20 Skirmish games
Capture a total of 100 Go'n Shrines
Recruit 10 Golems, 10 T-Rexes and 10 Mammoths in one game each.
Build every structure in the game at least once
Mine a total of 100000 crystals
Pick every talent at least once and win a game with it
Win 10 Team Games
Use every power at least once
Steal 25 shrines from an enemy
Build 4 Settlements, 10 towers and research Fortification in one game
Destroy a total of 200 enemy structures
Kill 25 wild T-Rexes
Win a Skirmish 1v1 vs a very hard AI
Play Survival Mode on medium and survive until wave 25
Win 10 games with each faction
Cast a total of 200 active abilities