In Jagged Alliance 3, select from a huge cast of mercenaries all with their own unique personalities, quirks, and backstories. Then go out and explore Grand Chien as you meet new people, earn money, grow your team, and ultimately make your own decisions that will decide the country’s fate.
Created an I.M.P. merc.
Have a Level 10 merc.
Controlled all sectors with mines.
Killed an enemy with 5 different weapon types.
Killed 25 enemies with a headshot.
Controlled 5 sectors with an Outpost.
Killed an enemy with a shot through an obstacle.
Hired a Legendary merc.
Killed 10 enemies in a single turn.
Installed 7 mods on a single weapon.
Ambushed a diamond shipment and got the case.
Reduced all defense shields of an Outpost.
Defended a sector with the help of militia without autoresolve.
Finished the campaign before 1 MAY, 2001.
Finished the campaign without a single merc dying or getting downed.
Finished the game on the highest difficulty settings: “Mission Impossible”, “Dead is Dead”, “To The Bitter End”, “Lethal Weapons” and no “Forgiving Mode”.
Finished the campaign while having no more than one hired merc at the same time.
Finished the campaign while having no more than two hired mercs at the same time.
Finished the campaign without killing any civilian.
Earned at least 75 Loyalty in 5 towns.
Have at least 12 hired mercs.
Controlled at least 50 sectors.
Found Lucky Veinard's secret treasures.
Found a cure for the Red Rabies.
Solved the Diesel problem.
Obtained the Green Diamond.
Found Madam Lecoq's diamond necklace.
Killed 5 enemies in one turn with a single merc.
Moved a merc 35 tiles away in a single turn.
Made 10 critical hits in one turn.
Made 10 overwatch shots in one turn.
Dealt 1000 damage to enemies in one turn.
Killed 7 enemies in one sector without triggering combat.
Conquered an Outpost without using firearms.
Conquered an Outpost without losing HP.
Taken 300 damage in a single turn without any merc dying or getting downed.