Discover a reborn Mortal Kombat Universe created by the Fire God Liu Kang. Mortal Kombat 1 ushers in a new era of the iconic franchise with a new fighting system, game modes, and fatalities!
I purchased this game here and activated it in Japan when it was available for activation in Japan. If new DLC is released in the future, will it be possible to activate it in Japan even if I purchased it here?
I purchased this game here and activated it in Japan when it was available for activation in Japan. If new DLC is released in the future, will it be possible to activate it in Japan even if I purchased it here?
replyIf not possible, do I need to purchase a new one and activate it from a foreign account?
replyIf the DLC doesn't have locks then yes, but looks like that won't be the case anymore.
replyWill I get Shang Tsung character if I buy it?
replyYes, the character is available as a pre-order bonus. Since the game full release date is 19th, you still have time.
replyThis says activates in Japan?
replyIs this 100% I just want to confirm before I buy it
Looks like locks were changed and now it won't work in Japan, sorry. We've updated our locks to reflect this.