Survival, horror at the sunless depths of the Pacific Ocean: Stranded on the seafloor with low light and few tools, an industrial diver takes desperate steps to surface before his oxygen — and sanity — give out.
Locate unlucky Uzor, while your world’s turned upside down.
Recover one personal effect for each member of the Oceanova crew.
Retrieve ID cards from each member of the Oceanova crew.
Find the light at the end of the tunnel.
Locate the lifeless mother cuttlefish, surrounded by her spawn.
In our darkest hours, even a little amusement goes a long way.
Evade an octopus's ink blast.
Use a flare to distract a cuttlefish.
Defeat a cuttlefish, before it gets too close for comfort.
Defeat an anglerfish, before it gets a grip on you.