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Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition Steam Key

Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

As Lara Croft races to save the world from a Maya apocalypse, she must become the Tomb Raider she is destined to be.

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carozariel 1 0

DLC included or no? then why so expensive

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RafalMGP Team 1 0

As an official retailer we aren't solely responsible for the product pricing. That is an official retail pricing with discount :)

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carozariel 1 0

I don't know what to call it but I hope nobody thinks this has the DLC. Funny how this is on isthereanydeal even though this doesn't have all the dlc included. BASE GAME FOR $44? rip off.

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CraigBGP Team 1 0

Because we only have the base game, we do not have the other version available at present.


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