All aboard the chaos express! In Train Traffic Manager, you're the maestro of mayhem, directing an orchestra of trains, drawbridges, and cataclysms. Keep your cool, your trains on track, and your sense of humor intact!
Crash 20 trains.
Crash 50 trains.
Crash 100 trains.
Play for 2 consecutive minutes without any accidents.
Play for 5 consecutive minutes without any accidents.
Play for 10 consecutive minutes without any accidents.
Fail a level.
Fail a level 3 times in a row.
Clear 3 consecutive levels without returning to menu.
Clear 5 consecutive levels without returning to menu.
Clear 10 consecutive levels without returning to menu
Get 100 trains safely to their destination.
Get 500 trains safely to their destination.
Get 1000 trains safely to their destination.
Use the heart power-up 10 times.
Finish a level without losing a heart 5 times (when available).
Use fast forward for 60 seconds.
Use fast forward for 600 seconds.
Finish a level without using fast forward.
Finish a level while always using fast forward.
Earn 3 stars on any map.
Earn 50 stars in total.
Earn 100 stars in total.
Earn 150 stars in total.
Collect all stars.
Switch lights 50 times.
Switch lights 500 times.
Have 5 green lights active at the same time for 5 seconds.
Change railroad switches 100 times.
Move the drawbridge 50 times.
Clear all Desert levels.
Clear all Forest levels.
Clear all Winter levels.
Clear all Midnight levels.
Play on 20 Endless maps.
Set a time of 5 minutes on any Endless level.
Set a time of 10 minutes on any Endless level.
Set a time of 15 minutes on any Endless level.
Set a time of 5 minutes on 10 Endless levels.
Sweep 10 trains with an avalanche.
Drown 10 trains in a river.
Scatter 10 trains with a whirlwind.
Destroy 10 trains with a metorite.
Crash 10 trains with a fallen tree.
Clear a level with 2 or more players.