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Field of Glory: Kingdoms Steam Key

Field of Glory: Kingdoms - Cover / Packshot
Field of Glory: Kingdoms - Cover / Packshot
$39.99 -33% $26.66 Add to Cart Availability: in stock

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Other games of the series

Field of Glory: Empires $39.99 -59% $16.46
Field of Glory II $29.99 -79% $6.42
Field of Glory II: Medieval $29.99 -60% $11.99
October 29, 2024

Field of Glory: Kingdoms - Update 1.04 Adds German Language support ...

Are you one of the players who have sorely missed German localisation in Slitherine's Field of Glory: Kingdoms? Patch 1.04 brings German texts to the game - and improves it in other places too. In Field of Glory: Kingdoms, developed by AGEOD and distributed by Slitherine, you lead a kingdom through explosive scenarios in a medieval setting. Politics, wars, religion - you...

Description of Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Buy Field of Glory: Kingdoms as a Steam key at

Field of Glory: Kingdoms is the new game from award-winning studio AGEOD, makers of some of the best grand strategy games of all times. It is set in 1054, just after the Great Schism, and it encompasses more than two centuries of epic European, African, and Middle Eastern history.

The game in numbers

  • 450 factions
  • 400 units
  • 600 Buildings
  • 14 Religions/heresies
  • 90 Cultural traits (all new)

Authority and Disorder
Administer your royal domain with the new Authority concept. Keep your population and vassals under control, promulgate edicts to construct buildings, and declare wars on your enemies.

Dynasties and characters As a ruler, prepare your succession by siring an heir with your spouse or with any other person of your choice. Having an heir is by no means a guarantee of a peaceful transition.

Having a neighbour of a different religion will create tensions and sometimes wars, even for tolerant rulers. When the imbalance is too strong, diplomacy will take a backseat, and war will be declared. Lose too many holy cities and watch a Crusade or Jihad form up.

Regions and population
Administer your population from the lowest peasants to the prestigious, powerful, and troublesome nobles. The social ladder is difficult to climb and your ability in keeping social classes under control is paramount to success.

Keep your borders protected and build an army of expert combatants. Knights, sergeants, spearmen, crossbowmen, and many more types of units can be used to fulfill your objectives.

Field of Glory II Integration
If you want even more direct control, Field of Glory: Kingdoms lets you export and load your battles into Field of Glory II: Medieval and then load the results back into the game.

And once you think you are ready to be challenged, play against real opponents in one of the largest asynchronous multiplayer systems ever created.

As of January 1 2024, Steam will officially stop supporting the Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 operating systems. After that date, the Steam Client will no longer run on those versions of Windows. Source: Steam

System Requirements Field of Glory: Kingdoms

Windows Minimal

OS: Windows 10 & 11
CPU: Intel CPU @ 2.0 GHz | AMD CPU @ 2 GHz
Graphics: 2 GB
DirectX: DirectX 9.0c


  • Single-Player
  • Multi-Player
  • Online Multi-Player
  • Steam Cloud

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